Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fork in the Road

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Thus begins Robert Frost's oft-quoted (and misquoted) verse about the opportunity costs of life. Lately, as I've been awaiting my invitation, it has occurred to me that I need to make something clear. I am awaiting my invitation, yes, but there is still a chance I won't go. I could get a thanks-for-applying letter instead of an invitation packet. Peace Corps is a job I've been applying for, and it's competitive and getting competitive-er, especially with the weakness of the dollar and all.

Anyway, I have long stood looking down my chosen path, not knowing for sure whether I'll be able to pass that way. I have made sacrifices in order to keep this Peace Corps path open to me, and very soon I will have more information. I just can't see past where it bends in the undergrowth, but I will hear at least six weeks before my departure. Or I won't get invited at all.

This is the real source of anxiety--the not knowing whether, not just wondering where and what day. This, you see, makes all the difference. More to come.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

More to Come

I wish I could tell you more (because that would mean I would know more), but I did receive an email this morning from a Peace Corps representative asking me for more information. During the first round of application papers, I hadn't actually graduated yet, so they just needed an updated transcript. Oh. I can do that. I sent it right off.

Here are the promising quotes from the email from which I draw comfort: "I reviewed your file this morning," and "We will continue to process your file through the placement process." I know it doesn't sound like much, but I was beginning to wonder what the H was going on. Now I know, and I'm glad.

I just hope I get an invitation before I'm gone out of town for two weeks. Back in June when I booked this trip, I thought for sure I'd have my assignment by now ... hhhhhhh.