Monday, September 22, 2008

The Surreality of It All

I was shopping for deodorant the other day, and the thought occurred to me that whatever I bought might go with me to Africa. Would this brand be effective wherever I am sent? It was a really odd thing to experience, standing there in the aisle at Wal-Mart thinking about taking this little product to the other side of the world. It's funny to think about which parts of my daily life will go with me or stay the same and which parts won't.

Will I take my guitar? Will I learn to play new instruments? Will I get to go to church regularly, and will it be a really long walk to get there or will I ride a bus half-full of livestock? Will it be desert or jungle and how will that affect my hair, skin, and sweat glands? What kind of shoes will I wear? What will I eat? Will there be Coke?

These questions are not at all new to me (I've been wondering about them for many months), but they are suddenly more real. The jeans I wear sitting in my mother's kitchen will be on my body when I'm sitting in someone else's kitchen halfway around the globe. It's an odd thing, really, and now I've suddenly got Doris Day singing "Que sera, sera" in my head. :) More to come.


Delaina said...

I remember such thoughts before my mission... and even more so when I was getting ready to come back to the States again. It's actually kind of a fun game.

Angie said...

Wow...this sounds exciting! What an adventure. By the way...GREAT to come across your blog! I've been wondering what you've been up to from time to time. Last time I saw you was at Los Hermanos I think... :)